(Note: this blog was written by Brian. It was typed and edited for content by Charlotte.)
To anyone who knows me this has to be one heck of a surprise. Considering I've never posted anything before and may never post again. What prompted me to post this today was my son, Matthew. Today he pottied on a big boy toilet and he was so proud of himself. Now to anyone who doesn't have a kid, this may seem like such a small thing. But as a parent it was pretty dang cool. This is one of those moments I would have loved to pick up the phone and called my mom because she would have understood how much it meant.
I have a picture of my mom and Matthew together on the dresser in his room. While showing him the picture I explained to him how much she loved him and how proud she would be to see him now. He kissed the picture and said "uvvv youuuu" (his version of "I love you"). I miss my mother very much. Not a day goes by where I don't think of her. I would give anything to be able to tell my mom one more time how much I love her and how grateful I am for all she ever did for me and the sacrifices that she and my dad made for me. I can't do that, but I can say to my family and friends I love you and thank you for always being there (from birth, to babysitting, holidays, birthday parties, graduation, my wedding day, late night parties, cookouts, powerlifting meets, vacations, the day my son was born and everything in between). Thanks.
(photo was chosen carefully so as to not be guilty of kiddie porn. this picture is actually of him sitting on his new potty, which was purchased after he pottied in the regular potty.)
PS In case you are wondering - not a drop to drink, just a lot on my mind.