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May 22, 2010
Friday, June 29, 2012
Cool in the shade
Brian wants to make sure that we aren't just parents who sit on the couch and watch TV with Matthew. He wants to do things as a family and make memories. So along with our fun in the sun, I have voted for some indoor fun as well - like a trip to the science museum or a visit to Jumping Jax.
The older I get, the less I seem to be able to tolerate the heat. Matthew likes the science museum for the most part. A lot of the exhibits are a little too old for him. He can't really appreciate a blue whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling or the giant shark jaws. But he does enjoy the fish and dinosaur exhibit (I am beginning to notice a pattern with him). He liked the walk through the butterfly area and looking at the snakes as well.
While Jumping Jax is an indoor play area so has AC, it definitely requires some energy. We have to run around to keep up with Matthew so we work up a sweat. Especially Brian who climbs up in all the jungle gym equipment to play (he loves it as much as Matthew). I walk really fast trying to capture photos.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Fun in the sun
We've been trying to beat the heat at home with sprinklers, water guns and a kiddie pool.
We generally have at least one watergun fight per weekend. Somehow I usually end up on the losing end of the war because I am armed with a small gun that runs out of water too quickly when I am having to fend off Brian and Matthew.
When Matthew's gun gets empty (his battery powered gun that he doesn't have to take time to pump) he usually grabs the water hose, which is filled with a never ending supply of cold water. Usually I call it quits soon after that.
We've been to outdoor birthday parties several weekends (so much so that Matthew asked me "Mama, when Matt-Matt's birfday pardie?")
So far the summer while it's been hot and looks to get hotter, we have been able to enjoy some outside play with the aid of a lot of water.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Let's play pretend!
Or as Matthew would say "play 'tend". I always knew kids were full of imagination. I remember pretending to drive, being a teacher, an adult, a mom, pretending with my barbies, pretending with others or by myself. But it still surprised me when Matthew started pretending all the time at such a young age. First it started with pretend phone calls. Now he goes on imaginary hunts for dinosaurs, lions, bears, and bugs.
He goes on these hunts armed with a plastic water gun and he arms me with a miniature chainsaw. He tells me "ti - toe mama". Then we stalk around the living room and kitchen. And oddly enough whichever imaginary creature we encounter it is always small (thank goodness I wouldn't want to encounter a full sized imaginary T-Rex!) He pretends to teach his stuffed animals. He will sit them in a row and hold up a book asking them to identify objects in the book that he points to with his drumstick. He pretends to cook and eat (and no item is off limits for cooking and pretend eating - lions, bugs, T-shirts, mud, etc.) He will walk up to me with his little hands cupped and tell me to "just try it Ma-ma". After I have tried his imaginary offering he will tell me what it is so I can either pretend to spit it out or enjoy it.
Monday, June 4, 2012
I think I am reaping some of what Brian sowed as a child. From the stories I have been told of Brian and John, they managed to pull all kinds of stunts and get into mischief. Matthew is a daredevil. He is increasing my number of gray hairs. He has no fear. If it can be climbed, he is going to try to climb it (you can't tell him that he is too little - he will still try).
If it can be jumped from, he is going to jump off.
He will go over, around or through any obstacle.
In his mind, if it is fun to go down the slide normally, then it must be even more fun to go down head first or sideways. He wants to run, gallop, skip and jump all the time.
Over Mother's Day weekend, my dad (Pappy) helped Matthew climb a small tree at my grandma's house. Once Matthew got about 4 and a half feet off the ground, he let go of the branch and fell out.
He landed flat on his back with a thud that knocked the wind out of him. Did he cry - oh no, he brushed his hands off and climbed back up the tree.
I was too busy taking pictures to actually react to the fall. Ever since then he wants to climb trees.
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