I know it hasn’t been that long since my last blog, but I am trying to catch up from the weeks that I skipped. Brian and his dad had a father-son trip to Myrtle Beach two weekends ago. They had a good time. I think Brian really missed us – he called to check on us a lot. Matthew and I went to stay with Me-Ma and Pappy for the weekend. I was a little apprehensive about driving that far by myself with no one in the backseat to entertain Matthew, but he slept pretty much the whole way. We really enjoyed our trip. Matthew got to play with Ayden, explore with Pappy and snuggle with Me-Ma. And we got to visit with Great Grandma Rose, Great Grandma Blowe, Great Granddaddy Blowe, Great, Great Uncle Marvin, Aunt Christy and Uncle Brandon.

My nephew, Ayden is only 5 months older than Matthew. They really seemed to have a time with each other. They played nicely and didn’t hurt each other. I wish they could play together more often. I want them to be good buddies. Matthew really watched Ayden crawl and walk. Maybe he was taking notes. Matthew really likes other little people, so he was quite excited to see Ayden. He was all smiles. Those little fellas are so sweet. Pappy carried Matthew on walks outside, which Matthew loved. He showed Matthew how to feed bread to the fish and let him examine some leaves (of course Matthew wanted to eat the leaves). Matthew is fascinated by outdoors, as all little boys should be. He even cried when they had to come in. Me-Ma made sure to get all of his sugar, as she promised Brian that she would. Me-Ma let him play with a whole basket of toys. He really enjoyed dumping them all out. He and Ayden also had a time with a battery operated Christmas puppy. Matthew had the puppy by the hat and Ayden had him by the tail. Pappy was hoping the batteries would give out soon, so the “Jingle Bells” would stop.

Pappy had gotten the boys matching camo rompers that said “This runt was born to hunt” and Bass Pro shop Caps. They were so cute in their little outfits. We took tons of pictures of them together. And Aunt Christy found tooth number 2 breaking through Matthew’s gum right next to the first one. It was a great trip. Matthew slept the whole way home and was super happy to see his daddy when we got there.

This past weekend we tried to relax and clean. Brian strolled Matthew through the neighborhood, which Matthew LOVED. He woo’ed and wee’ed at the trees. The highlight of the walk was when a large pit bull left his yard to check the boys out. Thank goodness the only danger he posed was slobber on Matthew’s toes. We paid Grandma Cathy a quick visit before she headed out of town. Grandpa Gene and Theresa came over and watched Matthew for about an hour so Brian and I could go on a date. We went to Applebee’s right down the road because I didn’t want to be gone too long. He enjoyed playing with them and was very good while we were gone.

Matthew sits by himself easily now. When he starts to topple over, he can sometimes catch himself and sit back up. He is just starting to get on his hands and knees and rocking. He wants to crawl so badly. He gets frustrated that he can’t figure out how to move forward. He scoots around on his belly, but usually only in reverse. He has added squash, green beans and bananas to his list of likable foods. So far the only thing he can’t stand is peas. He refuses to eat them. Maybe in a few weeks he will change his mind.

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