My little one loves music, especially mommy's singing. He even has favorite songs. For the past several days I have been reflecting on lyrics to a song from my childhood that is now becoming part of my daily routine – “You are my sunshine”. I am sure most of you know the song yourselves. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." I remember my grandma teaching me that song as we sat on her front porch swing. It is one of the first songs I remember learning the words to. It seems to be Matthew’s favorite song. He appears to be learning how the song should be sung. If I try to stop singing in the middle of it, he looks up at me until I start back singing. I sing it to him at bedtime every night and it seems to calm him down as he nurses himself to sleep. I also sing it at the top of my lungs when he is crying in the backseat because it soothes him. I have had occasions to sing that wonderful song for an hour straight just to keep my little sunshine happy as we commute to Goldsboro or home.

He truly is my little sunshine. He makes my day. When he wakes up in the morning he stretches and then gives me a little smile. Thursday he really made my day. When I went to daycare for lunch, he was rolling around on the floor and talking to himself.

I don’t really have a lot of interesting stuff to report today, but it is quiet at my house for the moment so I thought I should write something. Matthew is napping in his swing and Brian is on his way to Fantasy Lake with John, Crystal and the kids. So I thought I would just share my reflection of the week and some pictures of my sweet boy. And I am sure you all want to know what he has been up to this week. This week he continued to practice rolling and pulling himself up. He had 2 days at daycare with NO crying at all. Now that he has learned that mommy loves his open mouth kisses, he takes every opportunity to give them to me. He is producing more babbles and sounds and squeals every day. He certainly seems to be telling us things. He laughs sometimes when you tickle under his arms or neck. We are learning that anything you have in your hands, he wants it. And when you give it to him, he treats that “gift” like it is the best thing in the world. He had his first taste of oatmeal this morning. He liked it and hopefully it will sit in his tummy better than rice cereal did. We tried rice cereal twice. He loved it, but it didn't seem to like him. Both times, he spit up for 3 days afterwards.

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