Well, I didn’t get a chance to post last week. There just didn’t seem to be enough quiet time to get anything written. Since my last post, not too much has happened. Brian enjoyed his trip to Fantasy Lake. He got sun burned, but had a blast playing with John and the kids. Last weekend we took Matthew to visit Grandma Cathy and Great Granny Stanley and Pa. He was a little timid and didn’t want to let me and Brian out of his sight. After awhile though he shared some smiles and kisses with his grandma and granny. They really enjoyed his visit and couldn’t believe how much he had grown.
Grandpa Gene came to visit on Sunday. Matthew actually sat with him until Grandpa’s back started hurting. That is quite an accomplishment since Matthew isn’t one to sit still for very long. Grandpa Gene is becoming more familiar too him now since he comes to visit little Matthew nearly every week.
Monday there was a fire at daycare, so Matthew spent the afternoon at work with mommy. The stove caught on fire just before I arrived for our lunchtime nursing session. All the kids were quite animated with excitement and the babies were out of sorts. Matthew was so relieved looking when I arrived. The daycare workers did a great job getting everyone out safely. I am so thankful they do fire drills every month so that everyone knows just what to do. Once the building was cleared for everyone to go back inside, the nursery teacher had her hands full. The other 4 babies all needed diaper changes, lunch and naps. And she had to change all the sheets and wipe down everything just to be on the safe side. So I decided to lighten her load and take Matthew with me. He did OK, considering he really couldn’t get on the floor and play at the lab. He took a couple of cat naps in his car seat and sat in my lap when I wasn’t doing anything dangerous.
Since my last couple of posts we have abandoned cereal of any type for a couple of weeks. He spit up less with the oatmeal, but still more than normal. We moved on to sweet potatoes. He is so excited to be eating from a spoon that he lunges at the spoon. I am so afraid that I am going to hurt his gums one of these days. He enjoys sweet potatoes. His system had some trouble adjusting to the change in diet, so we added a little bit of prunes to help things along. He isn’t as fond of prunes, but he eats them. Today we added apples to his diet. He REALLY likes them. The apples are far less messy than sweet potatoes. I probably shouldn’t have started baby food when he has just learned to make the “bbbbbb” sound and likes to practice all the time. He sends baby food spraying all over mommy at dinner when he practices.
He can roll all the way across the floor at daycare now in just a matter of seconds. He is turning into quite the little chatterbox. He has talked a lot to me and Brian, but he usually clams up when other people are around. This week he finally started stringing all kinds of sounds together at daycare. I don’t know whether he is becoming less shy or if he is just more accepting of his daycare friends now. Either way, every time I was at daycare with him this week he was “goo”, “mmmm”, “bbbb”, “abb”, “va”, “dda” and squealing like he was really trying to tell us all something important. He wakes up in the middle of the night to practice his new sounds. He seems to recognize his name sometimes too. He is growing so much. It amazes me how much he learns. He is so focused when he concentrates. He is so proud of himself when he accomplishes something. And so is his mommy!

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