It’s been a little while since I have updated. We are all doing well. We are trying to make an effort to do things as a family besides stay at home. I am a home body and am quite content to stay at home. But we want to expose Matthew to the world and help him learn about all the things he is so curious about.
We have been trying to beat the heat, which is a challenge when you have a little one who LOVES outside. We can not go out the door without Matthew grunting to go with us. If you ask him if he wants to go outside, he takes off running for the front door. And apparently when you are little, you are totally unaware of heat and humidity. I am ready to come back inside long before he has had his fill. Brian and I are trying not to let our love of air conditioning keep us from playing outside with Matthew. We have made a few trips to the park. Matthew loves to climb on the playground equipment.

Brian got Matthew a Splish Splash Baby Pool a couple of months ago. It looks like a ton of fun and the water doesn’t get too deep, so it doesn’t pose too much potential danger to Matthew’s ears (no swimming with tubes in his ears). But what we didn’t realize when we got the pool was that a constant flow of water is needed to keep the rim inflated to hold the one inch of water inside. And constantly flowing water from the tap does not have a chance to warm up. So Matthew does not like to play in it since the water is so cold. It will take your breath away.

Matthew got his first haircut. He sat in the chair like a big boy and was so patient. He didn’t cry until she got out the blow dryer to blow the snippets of hair away. With the haircut he looks more like a toddler and less like a baby.


We carried Matthew to the science museum. He loved the fish tanks and turtles. He was not impressed by the dinosaurs or any of the exhibits that did not feature moving animals. He did however like the area where the walls were like cave walls and the large dinosaur footprint that he could climb in.

Everyday he is getting more and more personality. It amazes me to watch the person he is becoming. I see pieces of myself and Brian in him. I've loved watching him become this little person over the past 14 months, an independent soul with his own set of likes and dislikes and -isms. There really aren't adequate words to describe the amazing, complicated little person he is becoming. Each day I am reminded that I bear tremendous responsibility in taking care of him and helping him grow up. I hope that I don’t let him down. When I look at his face, so innocent, pure and untainted - I just melt. It is just so unbelievable to me that I could produce something so beautiful. I am so thankful to be his Mommy. I am truly blessed beyond words. God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave Matthew to me. He knew that Matthew was exactly what I needed.

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