Matthew is learning many lessons about life. The biggest lesson is that things change. Now that his age is measured in years, not weeks or months, some big things have changed for him.
With the change in age, came a move at daycare. He moved up to the one year old room a couple of weeks ago. He loves Mrs. Tee, his new teacher. He still gives Mrs. Shirley (baby room teacher) a hug every morning. But when Mrs. Tee stops by to get him, he jumps to his feet and marches down the hall to his classroom like a big boy. I know a lot of people think that children this young can’t be taught things. But I am here to tell you that with the right teacher, they most certainly can learn. I have witnessed the children in Matthew’s class learning. They line up and go to the sink when Mrs. Tee tells them to wash their hands before eating. After washing their hands, they throw their paper towels in the trash and go to their seats at the table. They hum the blessing along with Mrs. Tee and then they eat from a plate, feeding themselves with spoons or their fingers. Not much food ends up on the floor either. I count that as a major accomplishment. Before Matthew moved up, I wouldn’t dream of giving him his entire plate of food, because I have witnessed the windshield wiper game on a high chair tray full of food. Now he is developing table manners. If there is something on his plate that he doesn’t feel like eating, he doesn’t feel the need to throw it on the floor.
And Mrs. Tee gets all the kids to take a nap on a mat on the floor, not confined. The kids sit on the floor and sing songs during circle time. They recognize pictures in picture books and can even tell you some letter sounds. And in just a couple of short weeks, Matthew has already learned some other things. Like he has learned to hum the wheels on the bus and he does the wipers on the bus incredibly well. He has also learned that sand tastes bad, as does chalk and crayons. He is learning to be nice to girls. I caught him kissing a three year girl through the playground fence. He is already learning that girls like flowers. My little Romeo noticed a yellow dandelion on the playground, which he proceeded to pick and take over to the fence separating the three year old playground from the little one’s playground. At the fence he handed the flower to a little 3 year old girl. She exclaimed about how pretty it was, so he goes and picks, one at a time, 10 more flowers for this little girl. She had a lovely yellow bouquet by the time he was done. Where he learned this I can not even fathom, but it just reinforced my opinion that he is a real sweetie. The next day he spent his outside time picking flowers for one of the teachers, Mrs. Katie. And the day after he gave some to Leah in the baby room.

He does art projects and plays outside everyday. (I can't wait to hang his artwork on the fridge.) He is learning to share and play well with others. He is thriving in this room already. I am excited to see what he has learned and made each day.
Matthew had to get tubes put in his ears just over a week ago. So far everything seems to be fine. I wish he hadn’t had to get them, but if they help him, then I am OK with it. I was very nervous about it, but it turned out to be no major ordeal. And if they keep him from having ear infections that antibiotics can’t clear up, then that is wonderful.
And now that Matthew is old enough and big enough, we got him a big boy car seat. He looks so small in that great big seat. Some things have changed with riding forwards. He gets more distracted, so he naps less. He also wants to talk to me more. Now that he is facing forward, I can no longer eat or drink anything unless I am prepared to share it.

Well those are the latest developments in the Stanley's story.
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