Boy has it been awhile. I know I posted on Mother’s Day, but not with any real updates. When I started doing this blog I really thought I could find time to post every week or two. Obviously when I started this blog last year, I was still settling in to the mommy role and ridiculously thought that I would have time to update our friends and family with some cute anecdotes and photos every few weeks. I am still settling into the mommy role and am now learning that my time is no longer my own. So I am blessed to get a chance to post every month or two. When I started writing this particular update it turned out to be a little long and covered too many things, so I decided to split this update up into several smaller posts.
Matthew is becoming more independent, which should give me time to write more frequently, except for the fact that with independence and curiosity comes trouble. So while he is happy playing alone for a little while, he can’t be trusted to play with only what he should.

He likes to remove trash from the can, while adding toys to the can. He likes to climb on anything he can hike his short little legs up on.

And no matter how quiet I am when opening the dishwasher, refrigerator or pantry, he has a radar that lets him know they are open. Before I can even turn around and close what I have opened there he is rearranging the contents.
Anyway, here I am trying to update, but making excuses for the lack of more frequent posts. Since my last official update Matthew turned one. He had 2 fabulous birthday parties and got a bunch of nice gifts.

He seemed to understand the concept of opening presents better than he did at Christmas.

He also enjoyed playing with the other kids at both parties.

And of course he thoroughly enjoyed the cakes. His great aunt Kathy made a cake for one of his parties, while I made cupcakes for the other party.

He tried chocolate for the first time, and as hard as it is for me to believe he can take it or leave it. He is not overly fond of it, yet.

I am in denial somewhat that my baby is now a toddler. This past year has been more amazing than I ever could have imagined. And every day, I found myself falling more and more in love with being his mommy. And to this day, I am surprised and awed by how deep that love goes. My love for him is something that lives and breathes; it is its own life force, a profound, raw, fierce thing. It just...is. It will always be. This past year has been the best year of my life. We have such a special bond, me and Matthew. From 8lbs to 20 lbs, he has grown so much. Brian and I have grown too; we are much better people because he is in our lives. He is the center of our world and we will love him for all the years of his life. But nothing can replace this first year. I am so thankful to be his Mommy. I am truly blessed beyond words. God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave Matthew to me. He knew that Matthew was exactly what I needed, the perfect band-aid for my wounded heart.

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